The Shipyard Project promises to be a prominent destination
within the upper Midwest. Once a center for rail and water transport of raw
materials, the now vacated brownfield will be dramatically transformed into a
destination of recreation and tourism. This vision must reflect the values and
needs of neighbors and stakeholders of the Shipyard - our approach to public
engagement starts with understanding and appreciating the community and its residents.
The City of Green Bay will be working closely with the public from December
2018 through fall 2019 to help determine how the Shipyard site should be
designed to best serve our community.
The City of Green Bay (“City”) and the Redevelopment Authority
of Green Bay (“RDA”) seek to complete a major redevelopment project known as
The Shipyard, which involves remediating brownfields, repurposing vacant and
underused structures, and enhancing a residential neighborhood on the near west
side of the City. The catalyst for development involves the construction of a
signature outdoor public recreation and entertainment facility at 100 W. Mason
Street (Tax Parcel 2-78), along with related public improvements. The Shipyard
is an attraction that will draw people, year round, to the waterfront for
events and daily activities. It is a combination of well-designed spaces (like
a beer garden) that facilitate social interaction. A great lawn will be used
for concerts, festivals, large-screen viewing, runs and walks, markets, and
other special events. Recreational amenities including an urban beach,
playground, splash pad, and dog park encourage healthy outdoor activity and
provide the neighborhood with access to the waterfront. The container park
provides a place for food, beverage, and retail entrepreneurs to start and grow
a business (and provide employment opportunities), without having to invest in
significant amounts of capital.